Editor's review
This is a software that makes the new ribbon menu system of the Office 2010 look like classic menu systems of the Office 2003 for example.
Making the ribbon menu look like the older, more familiar menu and toolbars have dual benefits. The first, of course is that, you do not need to spend the time to familiarize with this totally different approach. The second benefit is that you do not have to hunt for and discover the newer functionality available in the recent version of the Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010. In an organization when there are multiple users, the training scenario can get complicated. The collective frustration in using the newer interface could become very strong too. Most of this user community have become very comfortable with the Office 2003 and 2007. Some of the features users were used to have been removed in the 2010. This classic menu brings them back. Training wise, this gives everyone an opportunity to figure their way around the new system while maintaining their day to day productivity through the older, familiar interface.
Retaining the tabs of the ribbon menu in the classic style lets users navigate comfortably between the two. Deployment is made easy. You need only enter license info on the clients. If you change the language of the Office 2010, the menu switches automatically to the same, no separate setting is called for. Keyboard shortcuts are also along the same lines as the classic shortcuts of the 2003 version. Depending on your need it, you can choose to show or hide tabs of Ribbon, show or hide the classic menus and toolbars and change the position of the classic menus tab. Even if you do not have any unlearning to do, meaning you are starting with the 2010 directly, this classic menu system can make finding the functionalities mush easier initially.
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